Bea Broda, President of the Society of American Travel Writers, shared these tips for peaceful travel with SATW members today and I wanted to share it with you… Let’s play it forward!

The International Institute For Peace Through Tourism (IIPT) Credo of the Peaceful Traveler

Grateful for the opportunity to travel and experience the world and because peace begins with the individual,  I affirm my personal responsibility and commitment to:

  • Journey with an open mind and gentle heart
  • Accept with grace and gratitude the diversity I encounter
  • Revere and protect the natural environment which sustains all life
  • Appreciate all cultures I discover
  • Respect and thank my hosts for their welcome
  • Offer my hand in friendship to everyone I meet
  • Support travel services that share these views and act upon them and,
  • By my spirit, words and actions, encourage others to travel the world in peace


About The International Institute For Peace Through Tourism

The International Institute For Peace Through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering and facilitating tourism initiatives which contribute to international understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the preservation of heritage, and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world.

It is based on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism - becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.

A primary goal of IIPT is to mobilize the travel and tourism industry as a leading force for poverty reduction.

To learn more, visit their website at

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Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. She co-founded and publishes the group travel blog and is currently at work on her first book "I Could Live Here".