TripAdvisor(R) Survey Reveals Travellers’ Home Comforts and Most-Missed Foods

The luggage-contents of this year’s “I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!” contenders’ remains to be seen - but teabags and slippers are a good bet, reveals new research by TripAdvisor(R), in a survey of the home comforts and foods that Brits miss the most when travelling abroad.

Creature comforts: travel “essentials”

  • “Home sweet home” may be miles away - but a quality cuppa is guaranteed for the 36% of Brits who bring teabags on their travels, reveals the TripAdvisor survey. Meanwhile, 12% bring biscuits with them, ensuring the perfect dunk.
  • One quarter of Brits (25%) pack their slippers, a sentimental 30% travel with photos of loved ones - and 12% ensure they’re never caught short, bringing toilet paper on their travels.
  • Meanwhile, sweet dreams are in store for the 8% who pack a teddy-bear, 6% who travel with scented candles and 3% who bring their own bed linen.
  • Best of british: top 10 foods that travellers miss
  • However tasty holiday cuisine may be, nothing beats a roast dinner, according to 31% of British travellers.
  • The Sunday classic claims pole position in the TripAdvisor list of travellers’ ten most-missed foods, which also includes cheddar cheese (22%) and Marmite (9%) - which 8% of the nation reveal they never travel without.

Travellers’ Most-Missed Foods:

1. Sunday roasts 31%
2. Cheddar cheese 22%
3. Fish and chips 16%
4. Marmite 9%
5. Fry-ups 6%
6. Sausage and mash 5%
7. Baked beans 4%
8. Pork pies 3%
9. Cornish pasties 2%
10. Bubble and squeak 2%

“The kitchen sink may stay firmly at home, but Brits’ travel essentials extend way beyond a toothbrush and passport,” says Luke Fredberg, TripAdvisor spokesperson. “A few home comforts can make all the difference to a trip abroad - but if you want to avoid excess baggage fees, it’s worth asking yourself just how crucial they really are.” 

*Source: comScore Media Metrix, July 2008; 567 British members of took part in the survey (November 2008)

Source: TripAdvisor/PRNewsire

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Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. She co-founded and publishes the group travel blog and is currently at work on her first book "I Could Live Here".