Hi everyone,

I spent the past week in transition, relocating from Scotland to Portugal as part of our ongoing nomadic journey. Every three to six months, my husband Hank and I pack up our temporary lives to embrace a new adventure. It's a lifestyle we've cultivated over a decade, one that's taught us resilience, patience, and the art of savoring every moment. Settling into the next place is just one of the many things I look forward to.

In the spirit of new beginnings, I'm celebrating my sixtieth birthday this month. As I reflect back, I'm reminded that life truly begins anew each year, bringing wisdom and gratitude.

Someone recently asked about my birthday wishes. In this moment of good health, loving relationships, engaging work, and a fulfilling lifestyle, it's difficult to even think of wishing for more. Perhaps my greatest pleasure is to share my upcoming book with you, I Could Live Here: A Travel Memoir of Home and Belonging, which will be released on November 14, 2023. It's a story of change, adaptation, and the joys and challenges of finding one's place in the world. The book is available now for order here >>

As my heart breaks for all the innocent people caught up in the world’s horrific wars and violence, I believe, more than ever, that travel opens doors to diverse experiences and viewpoints, teaching us to hope, open our hearts, and avoid succumbing to rage and despair. Travel unites us, and my book speaks to that message. If it resonates with you, I hope you'll help spread the word.

In the meantime, if you're contemplating a new transition, here are some hard-won tips to help you make the most of it.

Change as an Opportunity

Change can be intimidating, but it's essential to view it as an opportunity for growth. When you resist change, you may miss out on valuable experiences and personal development. Instead, adopt a growth mindset and recognize that change can lead to exciting possibilities and new adventures. Embracing change with an open heart and mind can be the first step toward navigating it successfully.

Reflect and Self-Awareness

Make time for self-reflection. Understanding your values, goals, and fears can help you make informed decisions during times of transition. Journaling, meditation, or talking with a trusted friend or professional can be helpful ways to gain clarity about your desires and motivations.

Create a Supportive Environment

Surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you, and make your relationships a source of inspiration and comfort. Cultivating this requires putting yourself out there. It is not a passive activity. But, done with intention, you will build new relationships. And the good news is that, like all new skills, this one can be practiced and developed.

Adaptability and Resilience

Change brings uncertainty, and adapting to new circumstances requires resilience. Cultivate the ability to learn from setbacks and to stay flexible in the face of challenges. Remember that resilience is developed over time through experience and self-awareness.

Embrace Learning

Change often presents opportunities to learn and grow. Be open to acquiring new knowledge and skills. Whether changing careers, moving to a new location, or embarking on a personal transformation, see these experiences as a chance to expand your horizons and enhance your abilities.

Maintain An Open Mind

An open mind can make a significant difference in how you navigate change. Focus on the potential benefits and opportunities that change can bring rather than dwelling on the discomfort or uncertainty. Practice mindfulness to help you stay grounded even in challenging times by being kind, curious, and non-judgmental with yourself and others.

Ask For Help

Navigating change is not something you have to do alone. Sharing your experiences and concerns with others can provide emotional support and valuable insights. Additionally, consider seeking expert help if you are going through significant life changes that can benefit from professional expertise.

If you enjoyed this or learned something, share the post with others and follow me, Ellen Barone, for more in the future!


Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. After 15 years as an independent content creator for travel and tourism, she has been enjoying extended stays abroad for the past decade, the inspiration behind her travel memoir, "I Could Live Here" (November 2023)