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GIVING THANKS: 8 Quotes of Thanksgiving and Gratitude


GIVING THANKS: 8 Quotes of Thanksgiving and Gratitude

It’s Thanksgiving in the United States today and I’m spending it in Peru with my husband Hank and an international gang of expats and Peruvians while feeling grateful for the random and unexpected path that led us here. 

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving? Here are 8 Pinterest quotes to help inspire the day.


Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. After 15 years as an independent content creator for travel and tourism, she has been enjoying extended stays abroad for the past decade, the inspiration behind her travel memoir, "I Could Live Here" (November 2023)
NEW YEAR, NEW CHAPTER: 20 Quotes About Life, Creativity and Travel


NEW YEAR, NEW CHAPTER: 20 Quotes About Life, Creativity and Travel

It’s the first day of the new year and I’m spending it defining my intentions for living a better life, being a better person and traveling to greater creative expression in the new year.

Are you using the holiday to write the story of your new 365-day life chapter? Here are 20 of my favorite quotes to help inspire the journey.


Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. After 15 years as an independent content creator for travel and tourism, she has been enjoying extended stays abroad for the past decade, the inspiration behind her travel memoir, "I Could Live Here" (November 2023)


On Being Yourself: E.E. Cummings and Me

“Just be yourself,” a trusted friend once advised me. I’d been in a panic over a public appearance, caught up in a whirlwind of self-doubt, and certain of only one thing—that ‘myself’ was nowhere near good enough. What I needed, my inner critic assured me, was a razzle-dazzle multimedia presentation to hide behind and a pedigree that I did not possess.


Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. After 15 years as an independent content creator for travel and tourism, she has been enjoying extended stays abroad for the past decade, the inspiration behind her travel memoir, "I Could Live Here" (November 2023)


TRAVEL QUOTE: Wisdom by Steve McCurry

What about you? What’s your passport to wanderlust?

Everyone likes a good quote - don’t forget to share.


Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. After 15 years as an independent content creator for travel and tourism, she has been enjoying extended stays abroad for the past decade, the inspiration behind her travel memoir, "I Could Live Here" (November 2023)


The World Has Changed Me

The movie had faded to rolling credits. I’d barely noticed. My mind was still processing the words - the world, has changed me. 

Beyond her fame, I knew little of the life of Amelia Earhart, the film’s subject. But her story, as depicted in the biographical picture, AMELIA, had ignited a longing so visceral that my heart suddenly felt heavy, tears springing to my eyes. 

These emotional tsunamis always strike when I least expect it, plunging me unsuspectingly into life’s Big Questions: Why, for example, are some people beckoned to a life of exploration while others are happiest at home?

After fifteen months of living abroad in Central and South America, my husband and I are stateside for an interim and aware that we, too, have been changed by our experiences and the people we have met along the way.


Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. After 15 years as an independent content creator for travel and tourism, she has been enjoying extended stays abroad for the past decade, the inspiration behind her travel memoir, "I Could Live Here" (November 2023)


TRAVEL QUOTE: Wisdom by Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’ve been immersing myself in the essays and wisdom of Emerson lately. And, like the above quote, I’m finding that his philosophies ring true to me. 

In fact, the more I read, the more Hank and I travel, the more I ponder life’s purpose, the more I believe that I carry with me all that I am and all that I have to give. And that no matter where our travels take us, my work is to discover, cultivate and share this native talent - whatever it may be.

How about you? Have you discovered your life purpose? Are you following your bliss? Where has it taken you?   



Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. After 15 years as an independent content creator for travel and tourism, she has been enjoying extended stays abroad for the past decade, the inspiration behind her travel memoir, "I Could Live Here" (November 2023)


TRAVEL QUOTE: Wisdom by Maya Angelou

Everyone likes a good quote - don’t forget to share.


Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. After 15 years as an independent content creator for travel and tourism, she has been enjoying extended stays abroad for the past decade, the inspiration behind her travel memoir, "I Could Live Here" (November 2023)