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The Opposite of Loneliness: How travel transforms the experience of solitude and staying home.


The Opposite of Loneliness: How travel transforms the experience of solitude and staying home.

Thirty-seven days into self-isolation I asked my husband Hank, “Are you lonely?” Like much of the world’s population, we are physical-distancing and staying home to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Would this, I worried, lead to loneliness? And, in turn, to biological effects as deadly as the virus itself? Instead, isolation has brought clarity to something we'd innately suspected all along.


Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. After 15 years as an independent content creator for travel and tourism, she has been enjoying extended stays abroad for the past decade, the inspiration behind her travel memoir, "I Could Live Here" (November 2023)
Life On Hold


Life On Hold

It occurred to me recently that sometime in the uncertain future, life will be perceived through the filter of two lenses: All that came before the coronavirus 2019 pandemic, and that which follows. And, like so many of us, I wonder what a post-COVID-19 reality will look like and how we can find hope, amidst despair, in the capacity of our own hearts and choices.


Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. After 15 years as an independent content creator for travel and tourism, she has been enjoying extended stays abroad for the past decade, the inspiration behind her travel memoir, "I Could Live Here" (November 2023)